This product offers one cut of a beam out of your current order with a length according to your specifications and a new tap. More specific lengths from one or more beams means you have to order more cut and taps. Each cut means one 'cut and tap' in your basket.

The first step is to order a beam where we can cut the specified length from.
You are required to fill in specifications in the field above (visible above the add to cart section) so we can cut the beams to your wishes.
- Length tolerance: +/- <0,5mm (180mm-1500mm)
- Cut plane tilt angle: <1°
During the cutting process approx. 3.0mm of the total (original) beam length will be lost per cut. So for example a 600mm beam cannot be cut into 2 300mm lengths beams.
Excess length is used to improve the accuracy of lengths or to test cuts and are not included with the order.

Custom cut beams are non-returnable.

After cutting a MakerBeam profile an M3 thread is tapped again. Our profiles (MakerBeam and MakerBeamXL) have a hollow core, but only the ends are tapped (M3, 8mm deep thread).

First add to your cart whatever length of beam you wish to have cut. This is either a number of single longer length beams or a number of packs.

Second add the 'cut and tap' with your specifications to your cart. Remember this product is for one cut. So if you will need more then one beam cut add more of this product.

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MakerBeam - 10x10mm
Article number
405in stock
Delivery time
We aim to ship within 3 days of receiving your order.

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