MakerBeam blog: Think - Build - Enjoy

ROS powered Rover with MakerBeamXL

ROS powered Rover with MakerBeamXL With just a few small printed parts, some 15x15 MakerBeam XL extrusions, you can convert an inexpensive tank chassis into a modular ROS powered rover. The 15x15 extrusions let you slide in 3mm hex nuts anywhere you want to attach a sensor. See the pictures below and visit

GrowCab - plant growth cabinet

GrowCab - plant growth cabinet The GrowCab is designed as a low-cost plant growth cabinet made with ready available materials. The cabinet is created to be used to shorten plant generation times and accelarate the breeding of crops. The cabinet can be flat packed as well. MakerBeamXL was used for the framework of the GrowCab prototype.

Roboat - an autonomous floating vessel

Roboat - an autonomous floating vessel According to their website Roboat ( is a 5 year research project and collaboration between the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In developing the world's first fleet of autonomous floating vessels for the city of Amsterdam, it investigates the potential of self-driving technology to change our cities and their waterways.

Roboat used MakerBeamXL to create their prototype self-driving boat, see the pictures.