MakerBeam blog: Think - Build - Enjoy

mini-ITX case

mini-ITX case From Sean we received pictures of his MakerBeam mini-ITX case. According to him the stock lengths of MakerBeam work for this exactly. The top and bottom panels he cut using something called the 'shaper origin' (a hand-held CNC-router).
He also used this tool to cut (and engrave) the plexiglass held by makerbeams. He was very pleased with how it turned out since it is hard to get the corners right. The plexiglass slots right in (<=3mm) but the corners need to be cut just a little to fit. The corner cubes do not have slots. For pictures of his mini-ITX case, see below.

The Ant - Compact PCB Maker

The Ant - Compact PCB Maker The Ant was a successful project. So successful we never got round to make a blog post about it. The project now seems to have run it's course. Some parts have become obsolete and hard to get a hold of. Why highlight it then now? It is a classic good MakerBeam project where MakerBeam is used to frame items that are (or were) ready available and custom 3D printed items.


UVTOWER The UVTOWER is a musical instrument. It is made with lasers and mirrors. Adding and removing changes the beat. MakerBeam is great to hold all the lasers, mirrors and electronics.