On Hackaday Ryan Kinnett introduced his micro Rover. It is modeled after the Mars rover designs. With Perseverance just landed on Mars a nice project to showcase here.
On December 24 we will ship orders when ordered and paid for before 12:00 CET. Our office is closed on Christmas and Boxing Day. Between December 27th and December 31st we will ship orders on weekdays. We aim to ship your order the same day when ordered and paid for before 12:00 CET.
Evan and Katelyn attempted the first fully underwater live stream and used MakerBeam to frame all their electronic equipment. The cube with equipment was placed in a waterproof casing so they could use it for their underwater live stream.
Robert sent us some pictures of his creation: a synth box created with a MakerBeam frame. The end result is a high tech structure made to fit in an old suitcase. You can see some pictures showing you steps in the process.