In this video Simone builds a musical instrument. She combines a number of teeth with a keyboard in order to create music. During the process she uses MakerBeam for a temporary framework to test opening and closing of the teeth.
Our office will be closed on the following weekdays :
Monday April 2nd (Easter Monday), Tuesday April 27 (King's day), Thursday May 13 (Ascension day) and on Monday May 24 (Whit Monday).
We will only take orders from UK-based non-business customers from €160,- or higher (roughly £134,-) due to extra Brexit administration. For smaller orders please check Technobotsonline in the UK. They sell a wide range of our products MakerBeam, MakerBeamXL and OpenBeam.
The 60 degree brackets (100292) are out of stock. We hope to have them back in stock mid April. This shortage also affects our MakerBeam kits (100012, 100034, 103329, 103318). For the time being we will ship these with a bag of T-brackets (100337) instead.
Nicolas Sassoon is an artist based in Vancouver BC Canada. He makes use of early computer imaging techniques to render visions of architectures, landscapes and natural forces. Nicolas often uses MakerBeam to present his work.
The featured sculptures are part of a body of work titled "The Prophets",