Office closed on the following weekdays

Our office will be closed on the following weekdays :
Monday April 18 (Easter Monday),
Wednesday April 27 (King's Day),
Thursday May 26 (Ascension day) and
Monday June 6 (Whit Monday).
Our office will be closed on the following weekdays :
Monday April 18 (Easter Monday),
Wednesday April 27 (King's Day),
Thursday May 26 (Ascension day) and
Monday June 6 (Whit Monday).
Vincent Mensink of Studio Mensink shows a rig that he made and is used in a film. Also the workstation is made using MakerBeamXL
Next week we expect to have longer lengths available again. You can order the beams again in the shop.
Custom PC Hardware is a fan of MakerBeam. So much so he dedicated a video to our beams and how to use these for custom build PC cases.
From February 1st our prices will go up. Material and shipping cost are rising. Unfortunately we have to increase our prices as well. The increase in price will be higher for MakerBeam.