Miniature Acrobot with MakerBeamXS
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- By Team MakerBeam
- Posted in customer projects MakerBeamXS
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Daniel Simu created the Acrobot and more recently he designed a miniature version with MakerBeamXS. He sent us pictures of the work in progress.
The Acrobot is a special robot to perform alongside Daniel Simu in acrobatic shows. Daniel is great at blending technology and art. He calls himself an artist, a juggler, but also an engineer and teacher. He likes to think of himself as a professional fool (@simu.circus Instagram). His work makes you think about the relationship between humans and machines.
Daniel reached out to us when we introduced MakerBeamXS. His goal was to make a mini-version of the Acrobot. The frame of the robot is already built. However, the project is not finished yet. There are still important parts that need to be added. Even though it is not complete, the miniature version already looks impressive and gives a good idea of what it will be like when it is finished. It is nice to be able to introduce these photos of the Acrobot frame that were made with MakerBeamXS (5x5mm).
It will take some time before the work in progress will be finished. Daniel is a very busy man and the summer is great for festivals where you can catch one of his shows. Right now you can get lucky to see him online since he just participated in America's Got Talent (25 June 2024).
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